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Discussion Guide

Episode 2: Nothing Happens


Nothing Happens tackles the anxiety, frustration, and confusion that we often feel as we watch our world leaders muddle through climate talks. There has been some progress, like compensating countries for “loss and damage” due to climate impacts. Yet countries emitting the least emissions are still more vulnerable to climate-driven disturbances and often have less resources to respond to it. While the seeming stalemate in climate talks can leave some of us feeling anxious, it also gives others —see Greta Thunberg—ammunition to fight. 


Opening the Discussion

Whether you are hosting a private or public event, consider allowing the audience a few moments to reflect on what they have heard and to quietly organize their thoughts before beginning a discussion. You may provide a general prompt (see examples below) that may support their thinking:

  • What are three words to describe your impressions of the play? 
  • What insights did it provide (in relation to climate change)? 
  • What parts surprised you or moved you? 

Consider spending a few minutes (3-5 mins) discussing some of the responses to these questions, before transitioning to the discussion prompts below. 

(Note - we have a comprehensive guide on Hosting a Listening Party with lots more suggestions - click here).

Discussion Prompts 

  • In Nothing Happens the government labels climate change a threat, handing the responsibility over to the submariners, knowing it's virtually impossible to do so. Are you happy with your government’s efforts to address climate change? Why or why not? 
  • What climate impacts are you experiencing in your community? 
  • What have been some key successes and challenges of international climate summits?
  • Think about your favorite more-than-human worlds (e.g., local wildlife, rivers, seas, fungi etc.).  In what ways does climate change threaten their habitats or their survival? How does that impact our relationships with those entities? 
  • Why do you think the playwright chose the setting of a nuclear submarine? 
  • What are some things you can do to support climate action in your community? 


To learn more about climate movements in India check out these resources below:

  • Vikalp Sangam is an ecological and community-centered initiative that explores alternatives to existing development paradigms across India.
  • Navdanya promotes the protection of biological and cultural diversity and is led by renowned activist researcher Dr. Vandana Shiva.
  • A major win from COP27 was an agreement around “loss and damage” from climate impacts. Read about it here! 
  • Read this 2016 study that explores the relationship between countries’ GHG emissions and their vulnerability to climate change. 
  • Read this essay on resilience based approaches towards climate change
  • Read this article about the Chipko environmental movement in India

Photo by Raunaq Chopra

Take Action 

Help Delhi Breathe began as a citizen-led campaign to curb air pollution in Delhi, years later it’s a coalition featuring business, mission-based groups, and more. Please support their work! 

Fight with Care is a documentary that explores how fisherwomen in Southeast India work to protect wetlands from industrial infrastructure. Watch their story here!

Did you know that climate pollution travels across borders? High greenhouse gas emitting nations, like Canada, contribute to climate disturbances worldwide. Hold the Canadian government accountable. Sign the petition to the provincial government to protect communities from climate disasters by ending fracking in British Columbia!

Want to do more? Consider donating to these climate organizations or supporting their campaigns.